Episode 19 - Is Dirk Gently Going into the Night? (3/11/18)

Crazy alternate dimensions? Weird and wacky coincidences? Elijah Wood as a hapless everyman? And that was just a description of our visit to the 2018 Olympics, not the TV show!

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We're revisiting an old friend of ours, Dirk Gently, to check in on him for his second. It's a whole new mystery with whole new characters. We "Man on the Street" the show, go over our new favorite moments and discuss perhaps a lack of... something. Will it get another season? Or will it go gently into the night? (AVclub already made that joke, so I'm totally stealing from them.)

We also discuss the idea of nationalism with the Olympics as an access point to the goods and ills of this complicated concept. How can we harness what is often used for evil and turn it into something good? Are the Olympics worth it? How can they change to be better? And finally, we give you our picks, with Picks of the Week!

Yep, Dirk Gently is going gently into the night after all... - http://www.denofgeek.com/us/tv/dirk-gentlys-holistic-detective-agency/271646/dirk-gently-season-3-is-definitely-not-happening
Cool Olympics - https://www.vox.com/the-big-idea/2018/2/19/17025184/olympics-nationalism-cosmopolitanism-borders-international-peace-understanding
Drool Olympics - https://www.vox.com/world/2018/2/23/17008910/2018-winter-olympics-host-stadiums-cost-pyeongchang
The Arkells - www.arkellsmusic.com
Aunty Donna - https://www.youtube.com/user/TheAuntyDonnaChannel
"Oh yeah!" (Entourageathon) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3Ya_ft7nLI

Episode 18 - Darren Auldenosky's 'mother!' (2/10/18)

This one's a special one just for the moms and sisters out there! Today is not just a podcast, it's a FAMCAST!

Aulden is a sole Human Bing on this one as he goes face to face with his biggest challenge yet! His mother, Stefanie! And his sister, Ella! At the same time! Listen to the Real Human Bing questions as they lead to conversations about stupid actions, pets with human appendages, and dog stories. (Mostly dog stories really, because of course why wouldn't it be that?)

Also, get Stefanie and Ella's impressions of China, including their daring exploits as they visit a tea shop, a mountain, and meet a new friend. And last but certainly not least, Picks of the Week!

Check out some art! Stefanie Denz website - http://www.stefanie-denz.com/

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Episode 17 - I Don't Believe in Beginnings (1/29/18)

It's been a while friends! I hope you've been in good health. If not, maybe listening to this podcast will help out. After all, 4 out of 5 doctors recommend it!

On this anniversary episode of Real Human Bings, we get contemplative with a look back at our very first episode!

First, we re-review the 2016 sci-fi movie Arrival, reflecting on how dumb our past selves were. Then we take a look at past New Years resolutions, improvements to the show, and hopes for the future. Lastly, our Picks of the Week as well as a throwback to past episodes! Follow your prescription and listen to this funky medicine!

Amy Adams is great - http://variety.com/2017/film/awards/amy-adams-snubbed-oscars-arrival-1201968278/#!
Johann Johannsson Song Exploder - http://songexploder.net/arrival
Dan Harmon's apology - https://www.vox.com/culture/2018/1/11/16879702/dan-harmon-apology-megan-ganz-community
Vapor Wave - www.blankbanshee.com
Toro y Moi - http://toroymoi.com/
Kurt Vonneguys - https://www.facebook.com/kurtvonneguys

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Episode 16 - The Last Human Bing (1/7/18)

Whole new year, whole new Bings. That's right. At the end of this episode, one of us dies!

No, no, no... Just kidding! Only childhoods die on our show! Because today we're talking about the newest Star Wars film, "The Last Jedi" (2017).

Fan reception and critic reception were split on this movie. What did we think? Listen to find out with our patently focused conversation. Also, what did you do this New Years? We went skiing! And we didn't break any appendages! That's a win in my book! Lastly, we give a couple Picks of the Week this episode. Check them out my friends!

The Last Jedi RT Score - birthmoviesdeath.com/2017/12/20/the-curious-case-of-the-last-jedi-and-its-rotten-tomatoes-audience-score
The Last Jedi: Not dark enough? - https://www.vox.com/culture/2018/1/12/16834684/the-last-jedi-lost-its-nerve
Dalian Happy Snow World - https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g297452-d1848027-Reviews-Dalian_Happy_Snow_World-Dalian_Liaoning.html
The Chieftains - http://www.thechieftains.com/main/tours/
Burr - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burr_%28novel%29
Hamilton - hamiltonmusical.com
Coco makes bank in China - https://www.forbes.com/sites/scottmendelson/2017/12/04/box-office-coco-is-crushing-it-in-china-and-thats-a-huge-deal/#7e272bba7a26
Shereen Marisol Meraji - https://www.npr.org/people/177485735/shereen-marisol-meraji
Pop Culture Happy Hour talks Coco- https://www.npr.org/sections/monkeysee/2017/11/29/567012301/pop-culture-happy-hour-lands-of-life-and-death-in-pixars-coco
Code Switch (Podcast) -https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/

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Too Smart For You - 11/29/17 (Zimbabwe, North Korea, Donald Trump, Beijing Fire)

Welcome to the newest segment for Dark Wolf Media, the current events podcast, Too Smart For You! Stephen Smart, the smartest man in the world, is joined by the hosts of Real Human Bings to run through important news of the month.

Our inaugural episode, recorded 11/29/17, we tackle the coup that ousted Robert Mugabe from power, North Korea's missile tests and a soldier's dramatic defection, Donald Trump's comments to Navajo WWII veterans, and a fire which broke out in Beijing. (Some of these events may have changed oops! Donald Trump has already upped his crazy level... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ) Check it out!

End Notes:
Zimbabwe Coup, Explained - https://www.vox.com/world/2017/11/15/16654740/zimbabwe-coup-situation-robert-mugabe-house-arrest
North Korea missile tests - http://edition.cnn.com/2017/05/29/asia/north-korea-missile-tests/index.html
North Korea defector video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4hgyGkIw9s
Guy Delise, Pyongyang: A Journey in North Korea - http://www.guydelisle.com/english/py/pyongyang_en.html
The Dollop, Donald Trump - https://soundcloud.com/the-dollop/300a-donald-trump-part-one
Beijing Fire - https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/19/world/asia/china-fire-beijing.html

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Episode 15 - Smart People Only (11/28/17)

You heard the title! Smart people only! Dummies? You better stop listening right now! Don't even read this next sentence!

I'm just kidding of course. I love the poorly educated!

On this special episode, we have a certified Real Human Bing Stephen Smart stop on by the studio for some good ol fashioned questions. We also talk the new Justice League movie (2017) and how much we love DC and its extended universe. And of course, we have our picks of the week. Check it out!

Justice League - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0974015/
Yoko Ono "Bad Dancer" (This video summarizes Aulden) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3mvEfON2C
Che Poster - http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/21/books/21kaku.html?_r=2&pagewanted=all
Small Beans - https://www.patreon.com/SmallBeans
Marvel's Runaways - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XVrnmyIKf8
King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-i1XZc8ZwA
Brain Failure - https://genius.com/Brain-failure-fun-and-fight-tonight-lyrics
刺猬 (Hedgehog) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEIx-yfvXGg
反光鏡楽隊 (Reflector) - https://www.discogs.com/artist/1981407-Reflector-6
Carsick Cars - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQ3x-vhIXEY

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Episode 14 - Give Wywy A Sporting Chance (11/12/17)

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You asked for it! You got it! (Did anyone ask for this?) Even if no one did, we are joined by Wywy himself!

That's right, Wyatt Danowski himself! We talk about education in England, the last time we got into a fight, and worst job experiences with our Real Human Bing questions. Then we discuss sports and the experience of being a fan here in Asia. Lastly, as always, we have our picks of the week! Bing it on Humans!

How to get into the KBO - https://deadspin.com/how-to-get-into-the-kbo-the-wildest-most-outlandish-b-1793523523
The KHL - http://en.khl.ru/
Dalian Ice Dragons - https://www.amazon.com/Hockey-Night-China-Dragons-Dalian/dp/1304921107
Yuting Public Welfare Foundation - http://www.sixthtone.com/news/1001112/my-mission-to-clean-up-chinas-atrocious-public-toilets
Volcano Choir - http://volcanochoir.com/
Oh Wonder - http://ohwondermusic.com/
The Wilderness of Manitoba (Actually they're from Ontario) - http://www.thewildernessofmanitoba.com/
Dungeons and Dragons - http://dnd.wizards.com/
Anamanaguchi - http://anamanaguchi.com/
Danowski Nation - https://www.instagram.com/wywy1990/

Episode 13 - Does Dan have Fuller Dreams? (11/5/17)

Yo yo yo Real Human Bings! We got a great convo with a great new Human Bing this week, Mr. Dan Fuller!

After we go over some Real Human Bing questions, including the oldest person you know and whether or not you'd sell your dog (among others), we also discuss "Blade Runner 2049." How does it effect the legacy of the original? What does it mean to be human? How dreamy is Ryan Gosling? All these questions and more! Last but not least, we have our Picks of the Week! Check it out guys!

Oldest woman in the world! - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeanne_Calment
Roseto PA - http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/30/books/chapters/chapter-outliers.html
Bill Gates and Malaria TED Talk - https://www.ted.com/talks/bill_gates_unplugged
Blade Runner 2049 - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1856101/
The President's Show - http://www.cc.com/shows/the-president-show
Stranger Things Season 2 - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4574334/episodes?season=2
Andy Shauf - http://www.andyshauf.com/

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Best Movie Music? You Decide! (10/17/17)

Howdy hey! This is a follow up to Episode 12 about the "The Foreigner."

In Episode 12: There's No Crying in Football (10/17/17), Aulden mentioned that Cliff Martinez, the composer for "Drive", also did the music for "The Foreigner."

Jacob then stated his opinion that the music from "Drive" was far superior and only poopy-diaper-pants boys liked music from "The Foreigner." Then Aulden said oh yeah wanna make something of it? And Jacob responded with yeah I do! And then they got into a physical fight which was very pathetic and got cut from the episode itself. So yeah.

Since it was not solved in the ring of (dis)honorable combat, we want to pass it on to you! Our Real Human Bing nation! You can listen below to two songs, each from a different movie and vote on your choice for the best! The identity of each song will be revealed later and the loser of the argument will be forced to do something embarrassing. I dunno... Eat their hat or something? Is that something people actually do?

Episode 12 - There's No Crying in Football (10/17/17)

Hey ya'll! This episode's got it all, Jackie Chan, football, and internalized racism and sexism! Wow! What more could you ask for from us Real Human Bings?

Joined by our wonderful friend Amanda Joyce, we break down the new Jackie Chan film, "The Foreigner" (2017)! Should you go see old man Jackie take try to take down Pierce Bronson? Listen and find out! We also go over our most recent REAL HUMAN FIELD TRIP to the Dalian football (or soccer) stadium. Lastly, we have a bummer time going over our picks of the week... Still! Sit down and take a listen!

The Foreigner - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1615160/
Dalian Yifang FC - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dalian_Yifang_F.C.
Hannan Azlan - https://hannanazlan.com/
Harvey Weinstein's accusers - https://www.vox.com/culture/2017/10/11/16460164/harvey-weinstein-sexual-harassment-assault-accusations
The Invisible Knapsack - https://www.huffingtonpost.com/ernestine-hayes/white-privilege_b_1711987.html
Reddit AMA - https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/9t273/iama_grandson_of_a_nazi_ss_officer_and_spy_who_is/

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