Episode 11 - Beats by Jerry (10/4/17)

It's an extra long episode about Chinese music man! Not the Chinese version of the musical: the music man, but it's about music, man! (Commas save lives people)

Episode 11 Cover.jpg

Unfortunately, a bunch of audio was lost :( BUT that means that instead of being extra extra long, this episode is only extra long. We listen to some popular Chinese music (did you guess the topic?) then do a Real Human Bing Search on everyone's favorite, Jerry Springer.  Last but not least, our picks of the week where we get an assist from friend of the pod Amanda! Taste our audio with your ears! Do it! Do it now!

Shanghai Restoration Project - http://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2014/01/28/265468566/remaking-all-that-jazz-from-shanghais-lost-era
Junglemico Project - https://soundcloud.com/junglemicoproject
ECHO - http://www.echo-game.com/
Will and Grace - https://www.nbc.com/will-and-grace
Nick Wright on Colin Kaepernick - https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/9/28/16378846/nfl-protests-trump-nick-wright

Episode 10.5 - BONUS POD: JFK Eats KFC at a Mysterious Park (9/16/17)


Short little episode today, complete with conversations from different sections of episodes that didn't make into the main one! We have JFK on the golf course, an argument atop a hill next to a Buddhist sculpture, and a random train convo that veers off course at the end toward Colonel Sanders if he were creepier than he was already... Check it out!

JFK - https://www.whitehouse.gov/1600/presidents/johnfkennedy
Maybe what Aulden and I need to look into getting... - https://www.talkspace.com/
Special herbs and spices! - https://www.kfc.com/

Bonus Episode JFK Eats KFC.jpg

Episode 10 - Mysteriously Orienting Our Morals (8/25/17)

Episode 10 Cover.jpg

Crikey! What's that I see? Is it a Real Human Bing? On a Field Trip? That's right, it's a summer field trip boys and girls!

For our first installment of REAL HUMAN BING FIELD TRIPS, we went to a sculpture park with lots of Buddhist/Traditional/Legendary/Chinese/Tacky stuff. Our thoughts, as always, are briefly illuminating before we start talking about boners and crap. Also in this episode, we discuss morality and if it can be taught. Lastly, our picks of the week. Bing it up man!

Guzheng for sale - https://www.amazon.com/Gu-Zheng-21-strings-Stand/dp/B0002ZJUTU

Episode 9 - Golf Boyz Lose Their Fidginities (6/20/17)

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Fore! Hoooooo boy, this one's a daggum humdinger! We went to a Chinese golf course and hit some balls with some metal sticks. That's pretty much what golf is right? (I've only ever been to a driving range...)

Aside from our own impressions of the golf course, we also discuss golf in China as a whole and how it effects the country. Then we get into it with our first new HUMAN BING SEARCH section about 2017's latest dead (?) fad: fidget spinners! Lastly, we end with our Picks of the Week and an impromptu rap in the voice of Karl Marx.

Dan Washburn (Golf Historian) - http://danwashburn.com/forbiddengame/
In case you wondered how Fidget Spinners work - https://www.livescience.com/58916-fidget-spinner-faq.html
Steven Universe - http://www.cartoonnetwork.com/video/steven-universe/index.html
The Smiths - https://open.spotify.com/artist/3yY2gUcIsjMr8hjo51PoJ8

Episode 8 - Two Grownups watch Grownups Two (6/10/17)

We're back bae-beeeeee! Both with our second installment AND back in China! (The episode was recorded two months ago. Shhhhh! Don't tell anyone!)

In this episode, we talk about Grownups 2, the second in the Grownups duoliogy (?) and our opinions might actually surprise you! We then talk about the divide between artist and artistry through the lens of a (relatively) famous youtube mashup musician. Last we let you in on our picks of the week! Ready for a woke and then completely unwoke convo? Well doesn't matter, cause that's what we have! Onward!

www.youtube.com/user/Fagottron - Pogo's Youtube page (*Did not realize that was his username before looking it up...)
www.imdb.com/title/tt411628 - The Lego Batman Movie
www.youtube.com/watch?v=mf9jJx0NSjw - Full pilot episode of "Heil Honey I'm Home!"

Two Grownups Watch Grownups Two.jpg

Episode 7 - All Grown Up (5/20/17)

What have I done? In an example of man's hubris, I challenged Aulden to watch Adam Sandler's duo of Grown Ups movies. After only 15 minutes through the first one, we both were looking at the detergent under the sink as a possible option. (Jesus Jacob, suicide jokes? Pull yourself up here...)

Sorry about that. Anyways, we watched the first movie in this episode literally minutes before starting to talk. It's pretty bad. Between the odd timing choices, stupid as shit jokes/writing, and the misogynistic messaging, this is among the worst of Sandler's movies. But not the absolute worst... (???)

We talk about board games in our middle section and finally finish up with our Picks of the Week. Check it out!

Grown Ups - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1375670/
Song Exploder (Andromeda) - http://songexploder.net/gorillaz
Nika - https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/153757/nika
The Grizzled - https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/171668/grizzled
Sentinels of the Multiverse - https://sentinelsofthemultiverse.com/
Prey - https://prey.bethesda.net/

Episode 6.5 - BONUS POD! Inconveniences and Loon Calls (4/9/17)

BONUS POD! What do you do with a random ten minute chunk of time that doesn't fit in with the rest of the episode? Release it as a bonus pod!

In this random discussion, we take a look at minor inconveniences and how they effect daily life in China. Like, how do inconveniences help a government control its people? How can inconveniences prevent suicide? What does living your whole life with these inconveniences cause you to feel like? Bing it man!

Hilarious World of Depression - https://www.apmpodcasts.org/thwod/

Episode 6 - Unshelling the Ghost (4/9/17)

Scarlett Johansson? More like Scarlett Cyborgson! (Wow... Does that even count as a joke?) We saw Ghost in the Shell so you know what that means! REAL! HUMAN! BINGS!

Our discussion happened over a month ago, so you've probably heard the gist of the conversation we're having here. But if you're interested in hearing fresh reactions to this movie only a couple days after seeing it, then I think it's still a valuable conversation.

The second topic is about an interesting Vox.com article which examines how social media has connected the younger generation of China with a more liberal, open worldview. And lastly, we give our picks of the week! Check it out yo.

Social Media in China - https://www.vox.com/world/2017/3/26/15035702/china-social-media-youth-society-culture-politics-government
Sixth Tone - http://www.sixthtone.com/
Wipeout - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1156535/
Riverdale - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5420376/
Yoko Kanno - https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/yoko-kanno/id272956503
PBS Idea Channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/pbsideachannel

Episode 6 - Unshelling the Ghost (4/9/17)

Episode 5 - Joyce to the World, Amanda has Come (3/25/17)

Hooray, we're finally back!

So I was trying to not let it go an entire month before updating the pod, but, heh heh. Not in the cards. I hope you guys like the updates I added to this week's pod, I promise the lateness isn't because I'm lazy but instead because I'm innovating! (More like half and half...)

This week (a while ago), we had our mutual friend and fellow Human Bing, Amanda Joyce on for a guest appearance. We do a "Questions" section with her where we get into some deep stuff, including the last time we all cried! Later, we discuss fears both rational and irrational. Lastly, our picks of the week! Check it out bro!

Episode 4 - Soggy Toast (3/4/17)

We're back! And this time with a very special Human Bing...

In our first official "Search Results" episode, we have a special guest and friend of the pod Julie Forrest in order to ask her meaningless questions in our dumb little side project. We get into human memories, best and worst musicals, and asking questions with specificity. Later, we share our stories about traveling and see what Julie's initial impressions of China. Finally, we end off with each of our picks of the week!

At some point we mentioned a Extra Credit/Footnotes section to our episodes with videos, pictures, articles, and more, which will go up soon. I hope. Maybe. We'll see.

Real Human Bings - Julie Forrest.jpg