Episode 29 - Like a Bing Pizza Pie (3/2/19)

When the moon hits your eye, like a Bing Pizza Pie, that’s amore! We are joined this time by another lovely Real Human Bing, Kelsey, to talk about that oh so delicious treat, Pizza!

After getting to know our guest with some Real Human Bing Questions, we dive into that pool of goodness comfort food known as pizza. Our Real Human Bing Search brings up topics like: What’s the origin of pizza? When did it come to North America? What’s the best kind of pizza? Is NYC water great? What’s the pronunciation of the name Horge? How’d we end up at that subject? You’ll have to listen to find out!

This time we end with some surreal, but ultimately sentimental Picks of the Week! Hope you enjoy our nice fun conversation friends!

Oscars, you messed up again! (1 of 2) - https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/burning-2018
The advertisement director’s philosophy on this: “Keep it ALL in!” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ah5vJleVuJQ
Oscars, how could you??! (2 of 2) - https://www.rochestercitynewspaper.com/rochester/film-review-if-beale-street-could-talk/Content?oid=9274618
China Dream by Ma Jian - https://www.theguardian.com/books/2018/nov/22/china-dream-by-ma-jian-review
Umami YouTube channel- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqrrxZeeFSNCjGmD-33SKMw
We’ll miss you studentsa! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFkTu8Y1KLs

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Episode 28 - It's High Dunoon (2/3/19)

Rule Bingtania, Bingtania rules the radio waves! We went to Jolly old UK, with Jolly old Julie! Two Bings unleased in the most United Kingdom! (errr… about that…)

When we weren’t running away from mass mobs of Brexiter’s angry about foreigners in their country, we were enjoying a wonderful holiday in a wonderful location. Listen as we regale about our traveling in some pretty cool spots.

Also, we delve into myth and reality with a special Scottish themed Real Human Bing Search! Are kilts, shortbread, tartan really that Scottish? You’ll have to listen to find out. Lastly, our Picks of the Week!

End Notes:
Here’s what the British Museum has to say about the Parthenon… -https://www.britishmuseum.org/visiting/galleries/ancient_greece_and_rome/room_18_greece_parthenon.aspx
Falun Gong explainer - https://www.economist.com/the-economist-explains/2018/09/05/what-is-falun-gong
This was the worst game in a while… - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Bowl_LIII
Go see this play! - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stags_and_Hens
”Come on Elieen” is a pretty cool song - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UK6v74hQjvA


Too Smart For You - 1/25/2019 (Bing shutdown, Zuckerberg, Chinese Politics, Daddy Xi)

Once again, we smart up the joint for Too Smart For You, the podcast segment guaranteed to make dummies scratch their heads and smart people nod their heads in pretentious agreement.

This time, the smart Stephen Smart and the two (handsome) RHB hosts discuss the short but mysterious shutdown of Bing.com in China, Mark Zuckerberg being equal parts weird and spineless to China, a primer of Chinese political structure, and President Xi Jingping, a true daddy whether or not he knows it.

End notes:
Bing went down, down, down to the bottom of the sea - https://www.wired.com/story/microsoft-bing-went-down-in-china-and-no-one-will-say-why/
Mark Zuckerberg in China - https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/global-opinions/wp/2018/07/31/mark-zuckerberg-give-up-on-china-before-you-embarrass-yourself-even-more/
Don’t give your goat to Mark - https://thetakeout.com/mark-zuckerberg-killed-a-goat-twitter-ceo-jack-dorsey-d-1832018696
China’s official website which explains EVERYthing about its government (? I didn’t actually read it) -http://www.china.org.cn/english/Political/25060.htm
Xi Jingping, the ultimate Daddy - https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Daddy

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Episode 27 - Sit Down, Be Bumble (1/22/19)

Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee, this movie has us shaking on our knees!/”Flight of the Bumblebee”? more like “Plight of the Michael Bay”!/This is a B-movie that earned and A! (I couldn’t think of anything, so take your pick between these three.)

Today, we tackle the new movie “Bumblebee” (2018) which was like… Actually okay? I mean, “Fantastic Beasts 2” I would say we soured on, but this movie I don’t think was that bad. We talk about movie tastes and trends in China as well as the Transformers reboot itself. (Or should I say, re-bot!)

Next, we delve into the years 1996 and 1997 to uncover another two songs in the playlist of our lives. Lastly, we have some baller Picks of the Week!

Transformer Box Office - https://www.boxofficemojo.com/franchises/chart/?view=main&id=transformers.htm&sort=opentheaters&order=DESC&p=.htm
Lindsay Ellis “The Whole Plate” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRXI__Wixas&list=PLJGOq3JclTH8J73o2Z4VMaSYZDNG3xeZ7
Patrick H Willems “MIchael Bay: An American Auteur” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyx7YRU4trs
Every Frame a Painting “Bayhem” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2THVvshvq0Q
Yay, Ninja Sex Party! - http://ninjasexparty.com/
1996 DNC was lit - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8yqWU0UzeY
No link for Aulden’s RPG… :(
Marvel makes good stuff, maybe that’s the secret to their success. - https://www.wolverinepodcast.com/


Episode 26.5 - The Myers-Bings Test (1/4/19)

BONUS POD! What’s your opinion on the Myers-Brigs test? Does it reveal hidden depths to your personality? Or is it a bunch of bogus invented by two non-trained bored writers? (Warning: the writer of this episode title is biased)

Along with RHB, Melanie Peck, we took the famed 16 personalities test and looked into how it applied to us. We also argue over the validity of the test as well as personality tests in general. Take it yourself! Tell us what you think! Regardless of what the results are, you’re all still human bings to us!

End Notes:
Take the test yourself! - https://www.16personalities.com/
Learn why it’s meaningless! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5pggDCnt5M, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NQqSnkI32A


Episode 26 - Jingle Bings, Jingle Bings (1/4/19)

The happiest of New Year’s greetings to you gentle audience! An episode about holidays is in store for you upon this hour!

This time, we are joined by REAL HUMAN BING Melanie Peck to break down an important subject that’s only a bit late… Christmas! What’s it like to celebrate it in China? What are the traditions we have created? Does Santa Claus exist? Not only that, but we break down all the bad Netflix Christmas movies for you. Are any of them classics you must watch every year? (Spoiler, no.)

Next, we check in on, as is our tradition, our New Year’s resolutions and get really depressed about making goals and failing… Anyways! We end off with our favorite resolution of every year, Picks of the Week! Jingle on Bings, jingle on.

End Notes:
”The Grim Dystopia of A Christmas Prince” (Jenny Nicholson is better at making jokes than us…) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsHT1fYouYU
Esquire’s Ranking of all Netflix Original Christmas movies, we somewhat agreed with these… (Christmas Chronicles is bad, but it’s not the third worst!) - https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/movies/g25383267/all-netflix-original-christmas-movies-ranked/
Illumination Entertainment is mediocre. It sands off it’s edges to be as inoffensive as possible. (Grinch 2018) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjInxtfVJNI
Into the Spiderverse is great guys, the hype is real. - https://film.avclub.com/superhero-dimensions-collide-in-a-funny-gorgeously-psy-1830700647
God of War is GOTY good? - https://www.polygon.com/best-games-2018/2018/12/21/18149534/god-of-war-game-of-the-year-2018
Maybe Mel won’t have to wait that long to see new Reba after all… - http://theboot.com/reba-mcentire-new-tv-show-2018/


The Snob Hour - Hamlet (11/16/18)

The Snob Hour! For snobby people who think commoners are gross and icky, but won’t say it out loud because they’re too polite! Just what you’ve all been waiting for!

This time, listen to a solo Jacob episode all about his favorite Shakespeare play, “Hamlet.” How was Benedict Cumberbatch? Why were there so many Chinese people in the audience? Was it any good? All these questions and more are within!

End Notes:
Full Cumberbatch interview (To be fair, I didn’t watch this entire one, so maybe he says more interesting things in it…) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0ky_tQxwgo

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The Snob Hour - The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night (11/16/18)

The Snob Hour! For snobby people who think commoners are gross and icky, but won’t say it out loud because they’re too polite! Just what you’ve all been waiting for!

This time, listen to a solo Jacob episode where he extols his thoughts on the book adapted into a play, “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime.” Topics like the autism spectrum, dance choreography, acting chops, multimedia presentations, and more!

End Notes:
Working on the Spectrum (Nice behind the scenes dealio) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2bV75ITXJw

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Episode 25 - Fantastic Bings and Where to Find Them (11/16/18)

Beasts? Where can you find them, you might ask? Why, here of course!

Upon this fortnight, two brave companions did stride into the cinematic complex, to witness the latest theatrical release of Harry Potter’s Wizarding World. “Fantastic Beats and Where to Find Them: The Crimes of Grindewald”.


Also, we find out who the real Fan of Bingbing is. Cause guess what, it ain’t the Chinese government! (If you don’t understand, don’t worry, because we don’t either). With a bonus appearance of Ai Weiwei.

Last but not least, we look at stuff we like in Picks of the Week, featuring Jacob being snobby, and Aulden picking Christmas movies.

End Notes:

The Wizards - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFEofWMW0KM

Fan Bingbing - https://www.theverge.com/2018/10/23/17991988/fan-bingbing-disappearance-reappearance-china-tax-evasion-social-media

Ai Weiwei - http://www.aiweiwei.com/

The Holiday Calender - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=km7gv28_uX0

National Theatre Live - http://ntlive.nationaltheatre.org.uk/

Episode 24.5 - BONUS POD! Les Bingerables (10/5/18)

Now this is how you write a musical. Andrew Lloyd Webber, eat your heart out

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Keywords: Improv, bad, pizza, musical, Les Miserables, singing by amateurs, we will be kicked out of our apartment soon.

(I know Andrew Lloyd Webber didn’t write anything for Les Mis, he’s just an easy figure that represents Broadway, don’t @ me!)

End Notes:
Buy tix! (Stage Les Mis is fine I guess) - https://www.lesmis.com/
Don’t by tix! (How did Tom Hooper make so many bad choices?) - https://www.amazon.com/Miserables-Hugh-Jackman/dp/B00BI5IXL4